Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6

Another holiday has come and gone.  I like the 4th of July is such a fun holiday.  I like celebrating the birth of America.  With all the wonderful cook out food - fireworks and of course spending time with family.  This was a rainy year but we still made the most of the day. 

With being on a low carb diet it can be hard to eat how you should at cook-outs, especially if you go to someone else house.  I am learning that it doesn't have to be that hard.  If you are too shy to ask what they are having to eat or if you can bring something; then you just have to do the best you can.  Eat a burger and/or hotdog without the bun.  I have gotten to where I just take me a small bowl with a salad in it.  I just go ahead and prepare it with the dressing on the side.  I don't make a big deal about eating it.  I just get a plate and get a burger and/or hotdog and then have my salad.  I have actually gotten to taking me a salad just about anywhere I go, this way I am sure I always have something to eat. 

Eating Low Carb can be challenging at times but it doesn't have to be.  It has it's moments when it can be hard, but if you slip then you just pick yourself back up and get back on plan.   After awhile it does get easier, especially when you put your mind to doing this for life.  It just isn't a fad diet ... it is for life. 

In my lifestyle of eating low carb I have decided to start sharing some of my recipes.  I have been searching all over for different ones.  I am especially going to post the ones that I love the most ... I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.  I am not an expert on Low Carb eating but I finding my way.   I hope that while finding my way I can help someone else find their way. 

Here's to finding out way through Low Carb eating .... as a way of life.

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