Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wed. March 11th

It is funny how some things in life can throw you off and make you have a really bad day.  It is our choice to how we want to let circumstances control our attitude.   But I decided today that I wasn't going to let things make me have a bad day ... NOT today!!

First, one of the kids on my bus decided he wanted to poke a hole in my brand new bus seats.  I was furious.  I really don't understand what makes kids or people in general want to destroy someone else's property.  Why? 

Then I realized that I had put a bag of dirty towels, my nephews, in the garbage can at the road.  I really did think it was a bag of trash.  Thank Jesus the trash people had not ran yet.  So, I went to the road and pulled them out. Of course, my neighbor happened to see me.  I bet I looked funny pulling a big bag of garbage from the can.  He didn't know that it was a bag of towels. 

On my way the doctor, I dropped my keys in the mud and my pocket book in a water puddle when I was getting out.  It was then that I decided how I was going to handle my day.  Before I would have gotten so mad at all that was going on.  However, today I decided to tell the Devil ... nice try, but it isn't  going to work on me. 

I have to say ... it worked!!!  I had a great report from the doctor.  Everything checked out!!  The best part of my visit with my doctor - I HAVE LOST 12 POUNDS!!!!  That is so exciting!!  I have tried so many times to lose weight and this has been a very long journey.  I know this may not sound like a lot to some people but every pound is exciting. 

Even better than the pounds gone is the way that I feel.  I am feeling SO GREAT!!!  I have a lot more energy than before.  My clothes are loose on me.  I just feel GOOD!!! My daughter told me the other day that I just look better.  I knew what she meant.  Fighting with thyroid issues you fight so many different things every single day - depression, low energy, irritability and the list goes on and on.  I haven't been feeling these in the past week or two.  It is all because I am eating a low carb diet.  I / my body just cant' handle the effects of carbs.  It isn't easy to eat as low as you can with carbs, but it is so worth it at the moment.  Thank you Jesus for helping me do this ....  I know that I CAN NOT do it without His help. 

You just have to start .... one bite at a time.  Make the decision that you are tired of being the say old way. It just takes that one step ... and then another ... and then another.  Whatever you do ... DO NOT QUIT!!!!

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